Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Fire Urban Meyer.com Appears

A pre-emptive strike by a Gator fan who doesn't want anyone to buy the domain in imitation of fireronzook.com.

Home Page

Daily Advent Meditations and Books for Christmas Gifts

Just a reminder that I am posting daily advent meditations here.

Also if you are looking for a personalized gift for Christmas, Amy and I would be happy to autograph a book personally and send it out to you in time for the holidays. You can look at the options here.

Scranton Bishop Suppresses Conservative Group

From Catholic World News : Scranton bishop suppresses conservative group:

"Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton, Pennsylvania, has suppressed the Society of St. John, citing grave financial problems and reports of sexual impropriety.

The Society of St. John, a conservative group dedicated to the revival of Catholic culture centered around the Tridentine Mass, was founded in the Scranton diocese in 1998, with the approval of then-Bishop James Timlin. But by 2002, the Society was beset with problems involving allegations of financial and sexual misconduct. Critics-- including disaffected former members-- cited lavish spending at the Society's rural Pennsylvania headquarters, and reports that adolescent boys were given alcohol and invited for overnight stays with the group's leaders. "

Monday, November 29, 2004

Paralyzed Woman Walks Again After Stem Cell Therapy

Not from embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells but from umbilical cord blood...

From Paralyzed woman walks again after stem cell therapy:

"The use of stem cells from cord blood could also point to a way to side-step the ethical dispute over the controversial use of embryos in embryonic stem-cell research.

'We have glimpsed at a silver lining over the horizon,' said Song Chang-Hoon, a member of the research team and a professor at Chosun University's medical school in the southwestern city of Kwangju.

'We were all surprised at the fast improvements in the patient.'

Under TV lights and flashing cameras, Hwang stood up from her wheelchair and shuffled forward and back a few paces with the help of the frame at the press conference here on Thursday.

'This is already a miracle for me,' she said. 'I never dreamed of getting to my feet again.'"

Abortion Facts

Abortion Quotes

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Daily Advent Meditations

The First Sunday of Advent meditation has been posted at The Day Shall Dawn Upon Us.

Check back daily for new meditations throughout Advent and the Christmas season.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Never-ending Search

From BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The never-ending search:

"Fascination with the Holy Grail has lasted for centuries, and now the Bletchley Park code-breakers have joined the hunt. But what is it that's made the grail the definition of something humans are always searching for but never actually finding? "