Friday, June 15, 2018

How to Get the Most Out of the Eucharist - part 10

From How to Get the Most Out of the Eucharist by Michael Dubruiel

From chapter 2 - Serve. Part 6

The Sacrificial Meal That Jesus Has Given Us
A second possible meaning to the question Jesus asked relates to the Lord’s Supper that He had just given to his disciples. Jesus
had taken bread that he said was his body and wine that he said was his blood and given it to his disciples. Then he got up from the meal and washed his disciples’feet — lowering himself,doing the task of a servant, then returning to his place. Some Scripture commentators point out that symbolically this action of Jesus mirrors his incarnation, God lowering himself to become one of us, and then after his death and resurrection, ascending back to the heavens. Yet Jesus did not abandon his apostles. He promised to send his Spirit and commanded them to celebrate the memorial of his Passion, death, and resurrection — the Eucharist.
Do we know what Jesus has done for us in giving of himself to us when we celebrate the Eucharist?
If you have ever attended the ordination of a priest, it is likely that you have been struck by various parts of the ritual.The prostration and the laying on of hands are both deeply moving, but the one part of the ordination rite that has struck me every time I have witnessed it is the moment when the newly ordained priest kneels before the ordaining bishop,who hands a chalice and paten to the priest as he says to the newly ordained: “Accept from the holy people of God the gifts to be offered to him. Know what you are doing, imitate the mystery that you celebrate: model your life on the mystery of the cross.”5
In that brief exhortation there is an excellent message for every one of us:“know what you are doing,imitate the mystery that you celebrate: model your life on the mystery of the cross.” It echoes Jesus’s question to his disciples, “Do you know what I have done for you?”
St. Paul spells out what Jesus has done for us in his Letter to the Philippians 2:5–7:“though he was in the form of God,[Jesus] did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” Jesus is the Son of God who lowered himself and became one of us.
The God who is above everything we can think of, who is the very reason that we live and the reason that the universe exists, humbled himself to become a part of creation. This is in direct opposition to fallen humanity that sought “to become like God” when it disobeyed God’s command in the Garden of Eden.
Our desire to be in control is part of our fallen nature. Many of us live with an illusion that we are in control. We are taught to plan for every eventuality,to insure ourselves for every possible disaster, but if we do not realize that only God is in control, we are living in a fantasy world. Think of the parable that Jesus told of the rich man (see Luke 12:16–21) who built bigger barns to store his large harvest; he was foolish, Jesus said, because he was to die that night. His material wealth could not save or help him once he was in the grave. The rich man thought he was in control of his destiny but, like every one of us, found out that he was not — God was and is.
Jesus rescues us from the chaos that life is without him. Pope John Paul II has said, “In the Eucharist our God has shown love in the extreme, overturning all those criteria of power which too often govern human relations and radically affirming the criterion of service:‘If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all’ (Mk 9:35). It is not by chance that the Gospel of John contains no account of the institution of the Eucharist,but instead relates the ‘washing of the feet’ (cf. Jn 13:1–20): by bending down to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus explains the meaning of the Eucharist unequivocally.6

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