Tuesday, July 20, 2004

From the Comments on Gay Priests

In reading over the many comments from the piece on Bishop D'Arcy's statement was one that I found both interesting and thought provoking. I'm including it here for others to read and to comment on if they'd like.  I would add to the comment below that the writer is absolutely right about parish life and heterosexual priests; while seminary life in a mostly male environment may be a little too tempting for  a homosexual seminarian, parish life with the large number of women present is just as tempting for a heterosexual priest.


Here is the comment of a reader:


As I have often mentioned before, Bishop D'Arcy's view is inconsistent, because it also precludes gay men from going to college if they're going to be living in a dorm, and gay boys from participating in gym class if they're going to have to change in a locker room. It would also preclude gay men from participating in team sports, among other things. Yet the Church has never taught that gay men cannot live in college dorms, participate in gym class or play team sports. So it seems to me that the Church's motivation for preventing gay men from becoming priests is not that it's unfair to them.


Also, Bishop D'Arcy's assertion that priests should be men who would make good husbands and fathers is absolutely true. However, this should be determined from individual to individual, not just by lumping all heterosexuals into the category of "good husbands and good fathers" and all homosexuals into the category of "not." On the one hand, there are many heterosexuals who would and do make terrible husbands and fathers, and there are many heterosexual priests who have no business being in the priesthood. Conversely, there are many homosexuals who would make good husbands and fathers if they were heterosexual, and there are many good homosexual priests.


One could argue, by the way, that there are many heterosexual priests who should not be thrust into a parish where they must work with and around women, while also trying to maintain a celibate lifestyle. So this is not just a homosexual issue. There are both heterosexual and homosexual men who should not be priests.

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