Friday, December 19, 2003

Some Feminists Want to Dump Mary

Here is the state of modern Catholic academia. Here is the corruption of the faith being taught at the highest levels. All of which is incredibly demonic in my mind.

First one might ask if you were a feminist and for "women", why would you desire the abolishment of the supreme woman in all of creation--the Mother of God? Could there be a more exalted creature? Could there be a greater model that all should look to follow?

What you have here is an exaltation of "ego", an "I will not serve", a manifestation of the "anti-Christ" as it has been written in every traditional treatise on the subject.

When all of this, the opposite of the Gospel message is proclaimed as the Gospel message, what you have is the confusion that one hears weekly from the pulpit. A watered down Gospel that somehow ends up being a projection of myself upon God, rather than the challenge that Jesus places upon myself.

Pope John Paul II attempted to get a handle on this problem by retaking Catholic institutions of higher learning. But for the most part with a few exceptions the Catholic leadership in this country has been reluctant to enact those reforms. This leaves us with pseudo Catholic scholars who have formally apostacized yet continue to teach as Catholics in Catholic institutions.

From Andrew Greeley:

" I think some feminists want to dump the mother of Jesus because creepy people have tried to make her look like a wimp, when the scripture suggests that she was a pushy Jewish mother: 'Son, they have no wine!'

Johnson and her allies are going to have to persuade Mexican Americans to give up Our Lady of Guadalupe -- quite a task. They are also going to have to persuade young adults (in this country and in Ireland, where the studies have been made) that devotion to Mary is not one of the top four criteria of their Catholic identity (concern for the poor, Jesus in the Eucharist, God in the sacraments are the other three).

A pushover? I don't like the battle imagery, but in his poem 'The Ballad of the White Horse,' G. K. Chesterton depicts the vision of King Alfred as he tries to rally his forces against the invading Danes. He sees Mary above his banners and says, 'Seven Swords were in her heart but one was in her hand.'"

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