Wednesday, November 19, 2003

The Next Archbishop of Atlanta?

A friend who has an uncanny knack for being right when it comes to telling me weeks before who the most likely candidates are to fill vacant sees, claims Bishop Boland will be the next Archbishop of he raises his voice against same-sex marriages.

From - Marietta, Georgia:

"A Roman Catholic bishop who co-authored a statement opposing same-sex unions, approved by U.S. bishops last week, said Monday legal gay marriages would be 'another diminishing of society, just like abortion.'

But Bishop J. Kevin Boland of the Diocese of Savannah insisted the document, to be distributed to Catholic churches in pamphlet form, was not intended to condemn homosexuals.

'We respect their dignity as persons,' Boland said at a news conference. 'We know that, with some individuals, it's not their choice to be gay. But at the same time a gay person, just like a heterosexual person, may be obliged to chastity.'

At their annual meeting in Washington last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops adopted a four-page statement explaining why Catholics should oppose legal recognition of same-sex unions. As chairman of the bishops' Committee on Marriage and Family, Boland was one of the document's authors and sponsored it before the full conference."

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