Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Interview with Al Kresta

From National Catholic Register:

When did you learn that your life was in danger?

The next day, in about the mid-afternoon a number of doctors came into the room to introduce themselves. There was a kidney doctor, and a cardiac doctor, a vascular doctor, and a general surgeon. They all looked pretty concerned and asked me how I was doing.

I told them that I was tired, but I thought it would pass. They pointed to two purplish-black marks on my leg and asked if I had seen them before. I told them I had not.

They explained to me that they thought I had necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria). I asked if there would be a way for them to test it any further?

They said that they could do a biopsy, but the condition was so far advanced that if they didn't take care of it in the next 20 minutes I would be dead in 1-3 hours.

They explained that they might have to take my leg to save my life. It was a clear choice to make. A nurse came over to initiate prayer with me. I thought this might be the end and I embraced my wife.

I had been visited by two priests earlier in the day, so I felt as prepared spiritually as I could be. They slapped the mask on over me and put me to sleep. I woke up about six to seven days later without my leg and with a lot of pain medication in me.

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