Monday, February 5, 2007

Congratulations to Tony Dungy and the Colts

A good man who deserves to win the big game.

My team, the Jacksonville Jaguars beat the Super Bowl champions this year 44-17 two months ago--so it is rather remarkable that this Colts team made it all the way.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Spiritual Life Set to Football

By former Bears Special Team Coach Danny Abramowicz:

"An Inconvenient Truth"-- It's -5 Degrees Here

Forecast high today: 3 degrees

It's 22 degrees and snowing where Al Gore lives or once lived (Nashville, TN)!

Bishop Trautmann's Red Herring

He continues his crusade against the new translation of the Mass, when ironically I would think he would defending and catechizing people on the necessity of it. But in the Tablet, a UK Catholic paper he presents this nugget:

While people need an understanding of the transcendence of God, the use of expressions not prevalent in the speech of the assembly and the use of archaic words defeat that purpose and make God remote. The new formalism in liturgicaltranslation will stifle authentic worship. For Christ's message can only be heard in the culture of the hearer. Liturgy does not take place in a cultural vacuum. If the liturgy of the Church is not celebrated in terms that resonate with the assembly, it will not be heard.

I find this a little disingenous, because quite frankly the liturgy(that word itself is archaic and hardly understood by the masses)is filled with words already that the majority of people in the congregation have no earthly idea of the meaning--and what is missing from this nugget is the sense that the liturgy is supposed to lift us out of this world (especially when the Eastern focus of liturg is emphasizd).

I have had great success with a book that I authored The How-To Book of the Mass: Everything You Need to Know but No One Ever Taught You, (which incidently is soon to be released in an expanded verion see Amazon)mainly because it defines a bunch of words that people hear at Mass (itself another archaic word, but one that is used in our culture in the context of Christmas)that are not part of our culture and quite foreign--think Eucharist!

One wonders what Bishop Truatmann hopes to accomplish with his crusade against the new translation?

The Book I Talked About on EWTN

On Bookmark last night.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Vatican: Jesus Party Wig Blasphemus

Can be purchased right outside of Vatican City, from the UK Telegraph:

The "Jesus Party Wig", available across Italy to wear at the street festivities that precede Lent, costs €12 (£8) and comes complete with a flowing beard and a plastic crown of thorns.

Senior Vatican figures called it "blasphemous" and "shameful". One added that a similar Mohammed outfit would cause widespread outrage. "The vilifying of religion is a crime and this should be investigated by the police," said Bishop Velasio De Paolis, Secretary of the Apostolic Signature, the Vatican's Supreme Court.