Friday, September 15, 2006

Masonry Unmasked Termed a "Blockbuster" by Spirit Daily

From Spirit Daily:

New blockbuster: secrets of Masonry by Catholic who was major Mason

Priest Arrested for False Imprisonment of Woman

In New Hampshire. One wonders what his homilies were like...

From the Manchester Union Leader:

A Roman Catholic priest who ministers to African refugees and immigrants in
New Hampshire is accused of sexually and physically assaulting a 27-year-old
city woman and holding her against her will over the last 11 months.

The Rev. John O. Lawani, 40, turned himself in to Manchester police
late yesterday afternoon after an investigation that began several days

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pope "My heart beats Bavarian"

A nice story in the Detroit Free Press on how much Benedict seems to enjoy being pope.

Coincidence? On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross...Tropical Storm Helene

St. Helena found the true cross in Jerusalem, something today's feast commemorates. This storm may bear watching. Is it a sign or a mere coincidence?

Whatever may be the case it is important to remember that the follower of Christ sees the cross differently than the nonbeliever. For the nonbeliever the cross is defeat (this may explain the negative and positive reactions that Mel Gibson's The Passion received). In the midst of the 9/11 damage was the cross at ground zero--something that scandalized some and gave great hope to others. It is the same way today in the Church, on one hand the cross is everywhere and defeat seems to be winning the day--but at the same time a pope who speaks with great clarity is shining light on this darkness and holding the cross aloft as the sign of ultimate victory.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Kidnapped Priest Released in Iraq

From Asia News Italy:

Fr Saad Hanna Sirop, the Chaldean Catholic priest freed Monday evening
after 27 days in captivity, “was threatened and tortured”, another Iraqi priest,
a fellow student, told AsiaNews. “He is really tired and exhausted. He was
threatened and tortured. He’ll be able to talk about his painful and fearful
experiences later.”
Father Saad was preparing to leave for Rome when he was
kidnapped. He was coming to receive his university diploma after he obtained his
theology degree three years ago at the Pontifical Urbaniana University.
is free and now is doing well. This is the only thing that counts,” said
Chaldean Patriarch Emmanuel II Delly. In expressing his joy for the “good news”
the patriarch thanked “all those who worked to get Father Hanna released”.
vast campaign was organised to get the clergyman freed. In addition to appeals
by Patriarch Delly himself and the Chaldean bishops, Pope Benedict XVI joined
the chorus of voices demanding Father Hanna’s release.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Gas Prices (Update)

In Florida they averaged about $2.53

Here in Indiana...$2.33

In Iowa, Drudge reports ...$2.05 (Iowa caucus preparation?)

Hunting for God, Fishing for the Lord

The Official Web Site

The excellent book...