Friday, November 25, 2005

Put the Mass Back in Christmas!

Okay, originally this was a post questioning the authenticity of the document banning gays from the priesthood...but after reading comments it just struck me that it is all straw...what really matters is what you and I are doing with the awesome gift that we have been given and how are we sharing that gift?

Worried about the secularization of Christmas? Give the gift that calls to mind the presence of Christ available to all...and explains how in detail to those who have not heard or do not understand...and another that helps those who "get" the gift that is being offered daily by Our Lord to "get" the most from it!

Everyday can be Christmas! (except Good Friday)

Put the Mass back into your family and friends Christmas by giving them the tools necessary... tape it to the back of that ipod or whatever gift they think they want...

Bush Planning for Intergalatic War?

Of course if the secrecy is so unparalled, how does the President even know about it and given the intelligence given to him before Iraq one wonders about the sanity of those giving the info.

From Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament Asked To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien "Et" Civilizations - Yahoo! News:

Hellyer revealed, 'The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop.'

Hellyer warned, 'The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, 'The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.'

Gay Bishop Robinson Weighs In...

He is right (because of course this is what has been going on), but that points to a bigger problem that the men going through the system are more concerned about getting "ordained" than they are in following the Truth, the Way and the Life!

From New York Post Online Edition: news:

U.S. Anglican Bishop Gene Robinson, who is gay, said yesterday that a new Vatican document barring homosexuals from becoming priests unless they've resisted their sexual tendencies for three years will force people to sin — by lying.

'It's very clear that if you want to be a priest in the Roman Catholic Church and you know you're gay, you have to lie about it,' said Robinson.

Why There are Only 12 of us Florida Marlin Fans

Here is a team that has won two World Series in its short existence, yet has had horrible owners who are not creative enough to fill the stands nor get community support behind them, but on the contrary put the few fans that they have through this every couple of years...a fire sale where they dump the team to give the Florida fans a triple AAA team. Now which of you triple AAA francise sites wants to replace your minor league team with this one?
Personally I think ownership should have been stripped from Wayne H. when he did this, now that Jeffrey L. is doing it (after his genius handling of the Montreal Expos) I think baseball should take the team away from him also.

The one hopeful sign if you are one of the twelve faithful fans, like I am, is that in getting rid of Carlos Delgado (traded to the Mets) we replace him with Jesus Delgado...there has to be some messianic hope here that a team that once again is being crucified will rise again and confound the baseball gods (little 'g').

Father Reese, S.J. Weighs In

Gays in clergy widespread, Vatican decisions made in ignorance, scholar says...

From Catholic Online:

With the much-anticipated Vatican document on gays in seminaries soon to be published, a visiting scholar at a Jesuit university has written that homosexuality in the priesthood is widespread and that the church’s decisions about gay clergy are being made in without proper study or understanding.

Father Reese, currently a visiting scholar at Jesuit-run Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, Calif., resigned as editor in chief of America magazine in May 2005 after, according to Jesuit officials in Rome, repeated complaints from then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, who objected to the magazine's treatment of sensitive church issues.

The Italian news agency ADISTA published the Italian text of the Vatican document Nov. 22, a week before it was expected to be released at the Vatican. A Vatican spokesman did not confirm or deny the authenticity of the text, entitled "Instruction on the Criteria of Vocational Discernment Regarding Persons With Homosexual Tendencies in View of Their Admission to the Priesthood and to Sacred Orders."

Father Reese noted Nov. 21 that, while “estimates of homosexuality among priests have ranged from 10 percent to 60 percent,” U.S. bishops have discouraged research into clergy sexual orientation or activity because of the bad publicity that would result.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pray the Sunday Readings

First Sunday of Advent, Year B
Mark 13:33-37

P. Prepare
1. Jesus presents this teaching on the Mount of Olives just before the Passion.
2. "No one knows the day nor the hour" is the preceeding verse of the Gospel.
3. Christians are to be constantly in a state of expectation of the Lord's return no matter how delayed he may seem.
4. The gospel contains a mini parable, comparing the vocation of a Christian to a "doorkeeper"...interestingly two of North America's most holy men of the last century both worked as "porters or doorkeepers": Canada's (and New England's) Blessed Andre Besset and the U.S.'s Venerable Solanus Casey...might this be interpreted as some sign that the Lord's comign is nearer now? On any account it was the "doorkeepers" one job to watch for the coming of a anyone. (one might also reflect on last Sunday's Gospel and the coming of the Lord under his many guises).
5. The doorkeeper is given "charge"...the Greek word exousia which also can mean "power"
6. What is said is underscored not to be just for the Apostles but for everyone...."Watch!"

R. Read
Read Mark 13:33-37 slowly. What strikes you as you read the selection? You might want to read it again before you go to Mass on Sunday.
A. Attend
Listen to all of the readings at Mass. How do the First Reading and Responsorial Psalm add to what the Gospel says? What speaks to you as you hear the Gospel proclaimed? What in the homily touches you or adds to what you were already thinking?
Y. Yield
How can you keep watch? Read the stories of Solanus Casey and Brother did they watch for Christ as doorkeepers in their lives? How might you celebrate this Advent season by watching more intensely for Christ?

Here is a suggestion:
Pray the Divine Office throughout the day (all seven hours) as a way of "keeping watch" for Christ both in his future Second Coming but also as he comes to you in the guise of the poor.

From the Office of Readings

We all are me this is a given. We begin every liturgy with a call to remember our sinfulness before God.

Today's Office of Readings features the Second Letter of St. Peter:

The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from their trials, and how to keep the wicked under punishment for the Day of Judgment, especially those who follow their filthy bodily lusts and despise God's authority.

Now, how does this passage jive with those who think that following Christ has nothing to do with sexuality? Or that every desire that we feel is good? Where is discernment of spirits in the lives of those who act as though following Christ requires no repentance, no change of heart, no turning away from something toward someone?