Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Jesse Jackson Speaks at the 10:00 A.M. Mass?

I wonder if this was a reaction to the Bishop's strong statement in Denver?

At St. Gertrudes in Chicago...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Women's Ordination?

From Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome:

"When she was younger, Jennifer Ferrara never would have foreseen the day when she became a sort of apologist for the all-male Catholic priesthood.

But that's what the former Lutheran minister who converted to Catholicism has become.

Ferrara, who became Catholic in 1998, recently told her conversion story in 'The Catholic Mystique: Fourteen Women Find Fulfillment in the Catholic Church' (Our Sunday Visitor), which she co-edited with Patricia Sodano Ireland, another former Lutheran pastor.

Ferrara shared with ZENIT how her search for theological justification of women's ordination in Lutheran seminary eventually changed her mind about the priesthood and opened her heart to the Catholic Church. "

Monday, June 21, 2004

Occaision of Sin?

Someone should remind the Salesians about the "avoiding the near occaision of sin"...very troubling and arrogant!

From | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News:

"About a dozen children circle around the Rev. Frank Klep after Mass on one sun-kissed Sunday. They chirp his name, trying to catch his eye as he begins handing out foil-wrapped candy. He calls them by name, too, beams and hugs some of them.

Few, if any, locals are aware that the friendly priest is a convicted child molester who has admitted abusing one boy and is wanted on more charges back in Australia. In 1998, his religious order placed him here in the South Pacific. Australian police can't touch him now because their country has no extradition treaty with Samoa.

Neither he nor the church feels an obligation to tell anyone about all that. "

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Dallas News with Another Invetigative Report

In my very limited dealings these days, I do know of one African priest who was sent to a U.S. diocese because he was having serious problems back in Africa. The bishop who knew the full details was not assigning the man to any parish though. | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News:

"Catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children are hiding abroad and working in church ministries, The Dallas Morning News has found.

From Africa to Latin America to Europe to Asia, these priests have started new lives in unsuspecting communities, often with the help of church officials. They are leading parishes, teaching and continuing to work in settings that bring them into contact with children, despite church claims to the contrary. "

Imitating a Life

A brutal review of Bill Clinton's life story in the NY Times...

From The New York Times > Books > Books of The Times: The Pastiche of a Presidency, Imitating a Life, in 957 Pages:

"Unfortunately for the reader, Mr. Clinton's much awaited new autobiography 'My Life' more closely resembles the Atlanta speech, which was so long-winded and tedious that the crowd cheered when he finally reached the words 'In closing . . .'

The book, which weighs in at more than 950 pages, is sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull -- the sound of one man prattling away, not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history."

Saturday, June 19, 2004

In Cincinnati Today

While attending a talk before the one that Amy is giving here today, I saw a man turn green. He was taking away in an ambulance. When I say that he turned green, I'm talking Martian green. The priest was speaking about Hell. The man's color had returned when he was taken away. Truly strange!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Pope to Make Pilgrimage to Lourdes in August

Will stay with the ailing and pray for a miracle.

From : Pope to Stay with Ailing on August Lourdes Trip:

"Pope John Paul will stay overnight at a special residence for ailing pilgrims when he visits the French pilgrimage shrine of Lourdes on August 14-15, according to French Catholic officials.

The pope, 84 and stricken by Parkinson's disease, wants to make the pilgrimage like any of the other ailing pilgrims who go to Lourdes hoping for a cure from waters in a grotto where the Virgin Mary is to have appeared in 1858, they said.

The Polish-born pontiff wants to mark the 150th anniversary of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which states that the mother of Jesus Christ was born free of original sin.

"The pope will come as an ailing person making a pilgrimage to Lourdes ... an ill man among the ill," Bishop Jacques Perrier, head of the local diocese of Tarbes and Lourdes in southwestern France, told journalists this week."