Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Shake the Dust from your Sandals

Anti-US protestors in India show a unique way to protest both the United States and the President:

Remember the Iraqi's taking off their shoes and striking the statues of Saddam with them? I'm guessing the same mentality is operative here.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003

Great Talk by Amy Last Night in Kalamazoo!

Even though I didn't hear any of it...I baby sat or baby ran as the case might be, but there was good reaction by those who purchased books during the break.

We both had the opportunity to meet and speak with Father Rob Johansen who's Thrown Back blog is up an running again. He shared a great story about what St. Thomas Aquinas' relics that hopefully he'll share on his blog with all of you.

Monday, May 5, 2003

Top Nine E-Mail Hoaxes

How many have you received?

From MSN Money - The top 9 e-mail hoaxes-

Here is the one that I receive at least three times everyday:

Nigerian scam letter

Greetings, sir. I got your e-mail address from a very confidential source -- the Internet. I am the prince, minister and Grand Poo-ba of one of many foreign nations that you stupid Americans have never heard of. There is a billion, kazillion dollars in an account here that rightfully belongs to my family and my people. Due to some horrid-bloody military coup in which my entire family, several accountants and various goats lost their lives, I cannot reach this money. But you, an American who has never heard of my country, can march right into the corner branch of God-Forsaken-War-Torn-East-of-Nowhere-Africa and deposit this money right into your fat American bank account. For your trouble, I'll give you a few million off the top -- because what's a few million between confidential best friends who have never actually even heard of one another?

OK, let's start from the top. Do not kid yourself. You are not so important that the High Priest of Anywhere will e-mail you requesting help. Rid yourself of your delusions of grandeur -- or as we say back home, you may sing "Like a Virgin" into your hairbrush every night, but that doesn't make you Madonna.

Here's what will happen when you give strangers your bank account information: They will take your money. Period. End of story. You get nothing, but you lose a lot.

Saturday, May 3, 2003

Sad Day for New Hampshire Natives--

Old Man of the Mountain is No More!

From The Union Leader:

New Hampshire's beloved Old Man of the Mountain fell from its rocky perch 1,200 feet above Profile Lake in Franconia some time within the past day.

Workers at the Flume reported the incident early this morning. It is unknown exactly when the face fell because it has been hidden by clouds and fog for more than a day. Don Bliss, the state's director of emergency management, said he believed the profile fell overnight.

Dick Hamilton, president of the White Mountain Attractions, said it appears the forehead fell and took the nose with it.

The image as it was shortly after 9/11--

Friday, May 2, 2003

Interesting Interview About Liturgical Matters


Q: Why did liturgy go awry so much in the post-conciliar era?

Monsignor Elliott: Basically, the work of the liturgical movement and Pius XII in "Mediator Dei" on the meaning and spirit of the liturgy was not properly assimilated before the council.

The opening doctrinal section of "Sacrosanctum Concilium" is brief, because it presupposes "Mediator Dei." Then, after the council, the "changes" were brought in an authoritarian way, hastily, often without respect for popular piety and what people valued. Extremists and cranks soon moved in, experimenting, innovating and pushing people around. They moved many altars but not so many hearts.

I also believe that some changes to the Mass went beyond what the council Fathers envisaged in "Sacrosanctum Concilium," and this is the very area where we still encounter problems. We also need to remember that the late 1960s and 1970s was an era of cultural modernism, marked by overconfidence, radical chic and bad taste.

Q: Are the liturgical problems behind us?

Monsignor Elliott: There has been some stabilization and the revised Roman Missal and General Instruction should help, but there are still widespread problems -- sloppy ceremonial, verbosity, vulgar music, disobedience and sheer ignorance.

In some areas, in Australia for example, Church "renovators" are still destroying our patrimony and alienating people. These renovators are rushing their projects through before the Catholicpeople discover what is in the revised directives -- for example, the location of the tabernacle.

I hope that the Vox Clara committee will put one problem behind us -- the poor English translations. We have suffered 30 years of banal and inaccurate texts. That scandal is on par with the mistranslated vernacular Bibles that spread errors at the time of the Reformation. It has played into the hands of the Lefebvrists and it is a major source of banal liturgy in English-speaking countries.

Q: Would rapprochement with the Eastern Churches help the liturgy in the West?

Monsignor Elliott: I would hope so, because we have much to learn from the East a sense of mystery, transcendence, the liturgy as a taste of heaven. The Eastern Churches also understand the liturgy as an action, both divine and human.

In the West we often want to control, plan, even manipulate worship, so it centers more on us than on God. Liturgy becomes what we do, rather than the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 1, 2003

Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

From Zenit News:

John Paul II highlighted the meaning and importance of May 1, entrusting the world of work to St. Joseph.

"The month of May, consecrated to the Virgin, begins tomorrow. It starts with the feast of St. Joseph the Worker," the Pope said at the end of today's general audience in St. Peter's Square.

"To the Virgin Most Holy, and especially to Joseph, her chaste spouse, we entrust today in particular the world of work," he added. "May he who experienced the exhaustion of daily work be an example and support to those who in their activity attend to the needs of the family and of all the human community."
Amy and I Have a New Book Coming Out This Month!

Watch for more news soon.