Friday, December 13, 2002

Looking for that special Christmas gift?

Try using Froogle: Search Results

Froogle is a google beta test, kind of neat!
Today's Photo of Cardinal Law and the Pope

From Yahoo! News - World Photos - AP
What next?

For those who have watched CBS news dating back to the Walter Cronkite days with his trademark "and that's the way it is", you may have picked up that Dan Rather has never quite figured out how to end his news cast. His latest attempt is a rather lame if not outright funny "what's next" after some late news story.

Anyway today's news of Cardinal Law's resignation elicited a "what's next" in my head spoken by Dan Rather. But it is not so much a surprised "what's next" but rather a serious "let's move ahead, planning our next step--what's next."

Who will the Pope name as the next Archbishop of Boston? Will the other auxiliaries soon follow suite? Will the Vatican move in and try to clean up shop in the U.S. realizing that this crisis is doing terrible damage to the faith of those on the periphery of the church?

Who knows "what's next."

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Here is a Trappist monastery dedicated to the site: Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

What does it say?

When the United States wants to make sure that other countries do not have weapons of mass destruction and in the process we threaten to use them?

U.S. strategy includes ‘all options’